The Student Catholic Action of the Philippines opens its PEACE LIBRARY today, 7th of May 2023 in collaboration with Friends Peace Teams. The library collects books that model behavior for creating regenerative cultures of peace and justice at reading levels from pre-reading through adult reading. The books are selected by theme, materials are developed for reading aloud, and storybooks are connected to literacy learning. Through this program of literacy-building, the initiative hopes to share the message that peace is possible.

The Bahay-SCAn Peace Library helps understand how to develop a strong library collection for all developmental reading levels, children through adults, in their own native languages. Together with Friends Peace Teams, the organization believes that children need to read and learn in their native language, and it also hopes that local writers and publishers will find guidance from the story collection to understand better how to collect and produce books in their local languages that support the development of comprehension through reading.
The peace library’s opening is timely, especially since the Catholic Church commemorates the 60th Anniversary of the Saint John XXIII Encyclical Pacem in Terris this year. It’s a wonderful reminder for all of us of the essential conditions for peace in our life, our Church, and our world, which resides in four precise requirements of the human spirit: truth, justice, love, and freedom.
Several programs are offered in connection with the Peace Library including Read aloud and Power of Goodness Events. The partnership with Friends Peace Team with works of peace began when SCAP hosted the Alternatives to Violence Project (AVP) workshops in 2014 as a concrete response to the call for alternatives to the growing violence in the country. In 2022, SCAP adopted the Power of Goodness (PoG) as an official formation program.