About the Conference
Following the methodology See-Judge-Act, conference participants are led to produce meaningful actions after a careful study of life situations. Students become consciously aware, thereby, capacitating them to influence their peers and communities with transformative spirit. SCAP continued these national gatherings since 1995 when it was about to be reorganized after the hard halt during the Martial Law period. From there on, it became a yearly gathering of student leaders, animators, and chaplains until the 2002 National Conference in Davao when participants agreed to resolve a three-year conduct of the National Leadership Conference(NLC).
Subsequently, Regional Leadership Conferences were held in between NLC’s to strengthen clusters and arch/dioceses. This 13th NLC will be attended by select high school and college representatives from member-arch/dioceses together with their animators and chaplains. It hopes to gather more than 150 participants from over 18 arch/dioceses in the country.
Focused on leadership formation and training, SCAP gives highest priority on leadership conferences at all levels. The national leadership conferences are held every three years and usually run within 5 to 6 days covering exposure programs, study sessions (formation), and council meetings.
SCA leadership conferences started as early as the 1950's with the guidance of the Columban missionaries. Conferences gave student leaders an avenue to critically discuss and reflecton varied life concerns that affect them.

What to expect?
The 13thSCAP NLC is an online leadership formation program where participants will be able to critically see and reflect on various key issues in the Philippines based on the five (5) areas of concerns: Values & Education, Social Justice & Peace, Environment & Sustainability, Science and Technology, and Digital Culture.
In the advent of this challenging situation, SCAP will alternatively pursue the conduct of the 13thNLC making use of available virtual and online platforms ensuring still to continue to uphold its long-standing pursuit for excellence in student leadership formation and development. With its current theme, “Tugon:“Responding to the Call of the Times through Faith in Action,” the 13thNLCechoes the invitation of the Blessed Mother to the servers in the wedding at Cana to “Do whatever He tells you.” As we celebrate the 500 Years of Christianity in the Philippines, every SCAn is called to the selfless sharing of self by responding to the call of the times.
SCAns are the young citizens of the country. They are called to take conscious responsibility in transforming the society into more humane and just community. In a predominantly Christian nation, it is even more pressing for SCAns to be grounded in faith in dealing with various social issues and concerns.
As the Youth Arm of the church, SCAns have greater responsibilities of upholding human dignity and rights in the eyes of faith and the Catholic Social Teachings. It is imperative for every SCAnto seek out and speak for Truth wherever, whenever. In keeping and upholding integrity, there is a call for each one to act in the name of justice, freedom, mercy, peace and charity.
Notable SCA Alumni

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