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13th SCAP National Leadership Conference Registration and Program now available

Student Catholic Action of the Philippines

13th SCAP National Leadership Conference

Diocese of Bacolod

14-18 April 2020

One-liner Call: Tugon

Official Hashtag: #SCAP2020

Theme: “Responding to the Call of the Times through Faith in Action”

Biblical Inspiration: “His mother said to the servers, “Do whatever He tells you.” [Jn 2:5]

Focused on leadership formation and training, SCAP gives highest priority to leadership conferences at all levels. The national leadership conferences are held every three years. It is conducted in 5 or 6 days with formation (study session) and council (business meeting).

SCA leadership conferences started as early as 1950's with the guidance of the Columban missionaries. Conferences gave student leaders an avenue to critically discuss and to reflect life concerns that affect them. Following the methodology See-Judge-Act, conference participants are led to produce meaningful actions after a careful study of life situations. Students become consciously aware, thereby, capacitating them to influence their communities with transformative spirit. SCAP continued these national gatherings since 1995 when it was about to be reorganized after the hard halt during the Martial Law period. From there on, it became a yearly gathering of student leaders, animators and chaplains until the 2002 national conference in Davao when participants agreed to resolve a three-year conduct of the national conference.

Regional conferences are held in between national conferences to strengthen clusters and arch/dioceses. This 13th national conference will be attended by select high school and college representatives from member-arch/dioceses together with their animators and chaplains. It hopes to gather more than 150 participants from over 18 arch/dioceses in the country.


After the discussions during the SCAP National Coordinating Council last 9th to 10th of November in Tagaytay City, the 13th SCAP NLC will deal on human dignity and social justice, geared towards awareness and community immersions. The NLC theme would affect the direction of the movement as a whole, with major upcoming events for the succeeding years. As an overview, on 2021, it will be the 85th year of the movement’s conception originating in UP Manila. Also, in the same year will be the celebration of the 500th year of Christianity of the Philippines. The Church also recently declared the Year of Ecumenism, Inter-religious Dialogue and Indigenous Peoples from 2019-2020. The 2022 national elections will also impede new leadership in the country.

Tracing back the history of SCA, from its humble beginnings to what it is now, it continuously answers the call of the times, following the see-judge-act methodology. In today’s time, units all over the country must work in order to achieve this common goal - the uplifting of the Kingdom of God here on Earth. Hence, SCAP as a movement must fulfill the mission of Christ. We must uplift the oppressed and the marginalized.

The 13th SCAP NLC will provide immersive areas where participants will be able to critically see and reflect key issues in the Philippines based on the five (5) areas of concerns: Values & Education, Social Justice & Peace, Environment & Sustainability, Science and Technology, and Digital Culture.

SCAns are the young citizens. They become responsible for the society. In a predominantly Christian country, it is all the more pressing to be grounded in faith when dealing with the events in the country. As the Youth Arm of the CBCP, SCAns have greater responsibility of upholding human dignity and rights. There is a need to speak the truth from all the news and narratives. In keeping integrity, there is a call for justice and action.


The conference will be using experiential approach in most of the dynamics of the session. It will enrich the inputs of the resource speakers which will allow the participants to engage in fruitful discussions. The theme shall offer deep reflection-analysis of the nature of crisis today. They will identify themselves how they can be agents of change in their communities in the midst of these youth concerns. The See-Judge-Act (S-J-A) Methodology will be followed throughout the process and is also reflected in the progress of the program from start to end. S-J-A Methodology is reflective on plenary and workshop sessions, small group sharing and discussions, theological reflection and action-planning. To break the monotony of lecture experience, the conference will offer novel games and activities allowing participants to have fun at the same time training them skills to animate and to think critically.



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