The Exposure Experience
I’ve been to Looc II, Panglao as my exposure area during the Earthkeepers Summit. It was approximately two hours away from the venue. As I was seated at the back part of the open vehicle, I felt the fresh air and the hot sun rays touching my skin. We arrived in a small barangay where the chapel president welcomed us. She allowed us to stay there. Young people like us from the place received us warmly too.
The exposure was inspiring and motivating although the setting is not new to me since I am from an island where waste management is a top priority. I saw the passion of young people taking actions in environmental issues that may become worst in the future. Thinking that in these times it is hard to instill to the youth’s mind the importance of caring for the earth. I was moved when one of the girls from the barangay told me in Bisaya:
“Ate, dili man kapoy kung lipay ka gabuhat ani tanan (Ate, it is not tiring if you are happy doing all these things).”
The 12-year old girl is always volunteering to help for good causes in the community. She added,
“Di ni about nako, sa akong friends and sa akong family. Gabuhat ko ani kay gahuna-huna ko sa mga muabot na mga tuig arun makita nila ang mga binuhatan na gi-enjoy nato karun. (This is not about me, my friends and my family. I do this because I am thinking about the coming years so that others (younger generation) can see the creations we enjoy today.)”
Things learned
I learned not to underestimate little and individual actions that serve. I realized that all can contribute in different ways to heal the wounds of mother earth and to address the cry of the planet from the injustices it silently suffers from.
Things I can do as an SCA leader
I am molded to be a leader. There are many things that I can do for a mission. The Earthkeepers Summit urged me, as a student, to participate and to support environmental seminars and workshops that would help me learn new and sustainable ways. As President of the University of San Jose Recoletos SCA Unit, I will strengthen the partnership of our organization with the university’s Win on Waste (WOW) program which we started in 2014. WOW holds training and workshops specially in recycling and upcycling where SCA leaders are assigned as facilitators to teach fellow university students and visitors in our Material Recovery Facility.

Photo: SCA leaders of USJ-R in Cebu City facilitate upcycling workshop at Win on Waste (WOW) Material Recovery Facility in the campus. Credits: Michelle Mansueto
The most important thing that I can do is to be an environmental warrior, an earthkeeper in my own way. It only takes a brave spirit with a burning heart to be called a strong steward of God’s creations.
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Read our eSummit Documentation HERE
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