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SCAns urge actions on Season of Creation

Video: Global Catholic Climate Movement

Tagaytay City - The Student Catholic Action of the Philippines enjoins all members to celebrate and do concrete actions in the Season of Creation (SoC). SoC is an annual celebration which started in 2015 after Pope Francis released "Laudato Si," the encyclical letter urging the Christian community to make actions "against the injustice of climate change and the ecological crisis, to protect the poor and future generations." SoC creates also an ecumenical network around the world "to unite and pray for creation."

The celebration of the Season of Creation will start this 1st of September to the 4th of October covering the Feast of St. Francis of Assisi. SCAP is an active collaborator of the Global Catholic Climate Movement (GCCM)-Pilipinas. It sustains an environmental education and advocacy as early as the 9th National Leadership Conference in Antique in 2008. The 11th National Leadership Conference in Cebu firmed up more one of the five areas of concerns of SCA which is Environmental Sustainability. This conference led to adoption of the SCA Earthkeepers Resolutions during the 1st Earthkeepers Summit in Bohol in 2016.

WHAT CAN I DO (As SCAn) during the SoC?

  • JOIN THE WALK for CREATION. If you are near the capital, participate the Walk for Creation on September 1, 2018 together with all collaborators of the Global Catholic Climate Movement. The meetup will be at the Christ the King Mission Seminary in Quezon City from 6 am to 10:30 am. Don't forget to bring a water tumbler. Check out the details *HERE.

  • BE ONE OF THE 25,000+ TREES GROWERS. SCA Cebu initiated a tie up with other like-hearted organizations to grow 25,000+ trees offering these not only for the earth but also to remember almost the same number of people killed on the war on drugs. September 1 marks the World Day of Prayer for Creation reminding all of us to uphold the right to life. Get more information on how you can involve in this program. Check *HERE.

  • REVIEW AND ALWAYS LIVE THE SCA EARTHKEEPERS RESOLUTION. Last November 2016, SCA vowed for simple yet doable practices to respect the Earth and all creations. Do you still remember the six resolutions? Download and spread the SCA Earthkeepers Resolutions HERE.

  • WRITE AND SUBMIT A W&B ARTICLE. If you got an interesting story to tell that is related with the SoC, write and submit to us. We will be happy to feature your narratives to the "White & Blue," the official e-newsletter of SCAP.

  • DO MORE. Get direct tips at the Season of Creation official website. Visit at *

*- is not officially published by SCA Philippines. Source comes from partner sites, organizations and groups.

Related sources:

Global Catholic Climate Movement

Season of Creation

CBCP Online

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