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SCAP to roll out online formation experience

Tagaytay City - The national formation team of the Student Catholic Action of the Philippines launched the new formation approach for the school year 2020 to 2021 last third of October after the Online National Mass of the Holy Spirit . SCA leaders, animators and chaplains shall expect a new approach of the existing modules gradually this year under a new goal - RSR (Reinterpreting, Sustaining, and Reaping.) The formation approach leads towards strengthening cells and creating more communities in both online and offline modes. SCAP hopes to continue its services even with the limitations because of the pandemic.

In "Reinterpreting," the current four-stage towards full-fledge membership modules (eSCAPade, Preparatory Cell Meetings (PCMs), Basic Orientation Workshop (BOW), Christ the King Leadership Recolection) will be refreshed with reinterpreted versions and will be fitted in an online setting. More media materials are expected to be produced to give participants more time to focus in listening, interaction, and reflections.

In "Sustaining," online application of SCA membership will be encouraged. Capacity-building of animators, chaplains and cell leaders will be offered online. Activities include organizational guides on facilitating SCA online formation and training of diocesan formators. Another big service is the monthly alumni gatherings. SCAP encourages all SCA alumni from all generations wherever they are to join the free event. The meeting shall cater to Kumustahan, community prayer and online learning space.

The virtual server or SCAP will be maximized for more enrolment of online accounts. Members and formators will be able to use the download center and helpful apps like Microsoft Teams professional accounts for unlimited conference meeting time.

The main characteristic of "Reaping" is the introduction of Regular Cell Meetings (RCM) to full-fledged SCAns. Seven themes of the Catholic Social Teachings will be integrated. Current and future unit projects and apostolates will answer the needs of SCA Five Areas of concerns, namely, (1) Values Education (2) Social Justice and Peace, (3) Environment and Sustainability, (4) Science and Technology, and (5) New Media.

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