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Solidarity and Social Friendships: SCAP National Solidarity Month's Call for Peace

The Student Catholic Action of the Philippines is set to celebrate National Solidarity Month this November. The celebration commemorates the birthday of Cardinal Joseph Cardijn - the inspiration of the movement and prime mover of the See-Judge-Act. Together with the other Cardijn movements, we celebrate this month to call for Peace.

This year, we focus on the call of the Holy Father Francis to Solidarity and Social Friendships on His encyclical "Fratelli Tutti” and how we are to build peace in our communities through it. Inspired by the words of Saint Paul to the Galatians - For the whole law is summed up in a single commandment, "You shall love your neighbor as yourself", the theme for 2024 National Solidarity Month is "BUILDING PEACE THROUGH SOLIDARITY AND SOCIAL FRIENDSHIPS".

In the opening texts of the Encyclical, Fratelli Tutti, the Holy Father has reflected on the way of life of Saint Francis of Assisi:

Francis felt himself a brother to the sun, the sea and the wind, yet he knew that he was even closer to those of his own flesh. Wherever he went, he sowed seeds of peace and walked alongside the poor, the abandoned, the infirm and the outcast, the least of his brothers and sisters.

With the conflicts between Israel and Palestine, the struggle in Myanmar, the upcoming US and Philippine Elections, the various reports of crimes in broad daylight and the advent of stronger and harsher natural calamities, there is a call for a greater solidarity and for everyone to care for our common home, for our neighbor, and for ourselves. In times where there is a tendency to be indifferent when we are not the ones suffering, let us provide spaces where friendships can be built and solidarity can be strengthened because we are all brothers and sisters. Like the Parable of the Good Samaritan, let us be a neighbor that treats others with mercy.

As we continue to witness the faith, we focus on the strengthening of the formation and action programs, providing support to our direction of transforming 4,500 Filipino Student Leaders for Justice and Peace. The National Solidarity Month invites us to reflect on our role in strengthening solidarity and social friendships in our communities

SCAP National Secretariat invites all SCA members, alumni, animators, chaplains, collaborators, partners, and friends to join us in our annual call for Peace:

Please be guided with our National Solidarity Month 2024 Celebration Guide: Click here

Here are additional documents that can help make our Peace Month meaningful:

If you have questions, concerns, partnership proposals, or suggestions regarding the National Solidarity Month or the programs of SCA Philippines, please send us an email at

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"To Christ the King! Love and Loyalty!

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